All necessary downloads for Hyper-V 2012 implementation


i new virtualization.

i planning use hyper-v 4 virtual 2012 servers. have necessary hardware available me. can 1 give me complete list of software which need download microsoft site ( preferably with appropriate links). 

exmaple: 1. list of software necessary implementing above. hyper-v/windows server 2012/ necessary admin tools etc.

also if install evaluation copies, is possible convert them actual licensed copies putting in activation key  ?. have ordered software microsoft actual delivery may take time.

added on 14-06-2013

i managed download necessary , have installed & configured servers well. questions , problems regarding posted elsewhere.

thanks inputs.



if have purchased windows server 2012 and the proper licenses running amount of virtual operating systems need, not need else run hyper-v.

the stand-alone hyper-v 2012 server available free (fully featured, no eval) here:

the standalone hyper-v server 2012 core server installation, , not recommended if new hyper-v.

i suggest wait genuine installation media arrive, instead of setting production machine based on evaluation software.

Windows Server  >  Hyper-V


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