2008 server with 2 nics shows 3 connections in network and sharing center


i have server windows server 2008 enterprise ts server 2 nics, 1 lan connection , other 1 internet connection. lan interface had 2 ip( 10.10.1.xx , 10.10.95.xx. ). in last few days server had abnormal behavior , users not connect it. changed ip address interface wan lan , lan wan , server started functioning normally, new wan interface shows 2 ip: 10.10.1.xx , wan ip. remove 10.10.1.xx , when change applies ip shows again. 

i hope clear explainning problem.



firstly, recommend you disable nics , restart them again see if issue persists.

in addition, can refer similar thread below:

unable remove ip address



best regards,


Windows Server  >  Platform Networking


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