Bulk removal of Published certificate info from users properties.
hello ,
i trying remove usercertificate , usersmimecertificate value users properties facing issue ....below script :::
$users = get-content "c:\input.txt"
foreach($usersam in $users)
$searcher = new-object directoryservices.directorysearcher
$root = [adsi]("ldap://" + "dc=guitar,dc=intra")
$scope = "subtree"
$filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(samaccountname=" + $usersam + "))"
$searcher.searchscope = $scope
$searcher.filter = $filter
$searcher.searchroot = $root
$accnt = $searcher.findone()
if($accnt -ne $null)
$userdn = $objuser.properties.distinguishedname
$user= new-object directoryservices.directoryentry ("ldap://kingfisher.guitar.intra:389/$userdn")
i getting following error :::
the following exception occurred while retrieving member "putex": "unknown error (0x80005000)"
at c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo\desktop\removeattribute.ps1:17 char:44
+ $user.putex <<<< (1,"usercertificate",0)
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [], extendedtypesystemexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmember
the following exception occurred while retrieving member "putex": "unknown error (0x80005000)"
at c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo\desktop\removeattribute.ps1:18 char:44
+ $user.putex <<<< (1,"usersmimecertificate",0)
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [], extendedtypesystemexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmember
the following exception occurred while retrieving member "setinfo": "unknown error (0x80005000)"
at c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo\desktop\removeattribute.ps1:19 char:46
+ $user.setinfo <<<< ()
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [], extendedtypesystemexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmember
the following exception occurred while retrieving member "pscomputername": "unknown error (0x80005000)"
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [format-default], extendedtypesystemexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmember,microsoft.powershell.commands.formatdefaultcommand
ps c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo> c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo\desktop\removeattribute.ps1
the following exception occurred while retrieving member "putex": "unknown error (0x80005000)"
at c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo\desktop\removeattribute.ps1:17 char:45
+ $users.putex <<<< (1,"usercertificate",0)
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [], extendedtypesystemexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmember
the following exception occurred while retrieving member "putex": "unknown error (0x80005000)"
at c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo\desktop\removeattribute.ps1:18 char:45
+ $users.putex <<<< (1,"usersmimecertificate",0)
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [], extendedtypesystemexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmember
the following exception occurred while retrieving member "setinfo": "unknown error (0x80005000)"
at c:\users\administrator.win-b91istrf9uo\desktop\removeattribute.ps1:19 char:47
+ $users.setinfo <<<< ()
+ categoryinfo : notspecified: (:) [], extendedtypesystemexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : catchfrombasegetmember
any is appreciated ...
thanks again.
resolved ...it silly mistake ... 1 want script ..please let me know ..
:) :)
cheers , happy new year ...
Windows Server > Directory Services
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