Can't run PowerShell IIS Snap-in script

powershell noob here, please bear me.

i have simple powershell script.  when run script management console, completes without error :

ps iis:\> $sitename=get-childitem iis:\sites -name
ps iis:\> echo $sitename

when save script, fails run:

ps iis:\> powershell d:\temp\test.ps1
get-childitem : cannot find drive. drive name 'iis' not exist.
@ d:\temp\test.ps1:1 char:14
+ get-childitem <<<<  iis:\sites -name
    + categoryinfo          : objectnotfound: (iis:string) [get-childitem], drivenotfoundexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : drivenotfound,microsoft.powershell.commands.getchilditemcommand

i tried dotsource it, still doesn't help.  seems issue being in iis namespace , calling script path?

help please!

why running as powershell d:\temp\test.ps1


just run as 




this might because loading new powershell process , might not have snapin added.

looks snapin loaded in current session, might want add part of script.

import-module webadministration

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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