Generalizing the methods
hello everyone.......
i have a word document contains table , in each row of table have 2 dropdowns (in column 6 , column 7) , textbox (column 8).
rite m doing each row formed function(e.g,f1 row 1 ,f2 row2 ,etc) takes value of dropdowns , multiply , show in textbox.
now have generalize function each row in table ,so whenever new row added table ,the function should applicable .
please me need urgently
thanxs in advance.............!!!
hi ruhi,
after adding row , formfields in columns 6 & 7, run following code:
sub demo()
application.screenupdating = false
dim strff1 string, strff2 string, ofld field
dim long, rng1 range, rng2 range
= .rows.count
strff1 = "ref " & .rows(i).cells(6).range.formfields(1).name
strff2 = "ref " & .rows(i).cells(7).range.formfields(1).name
set rng1 = .rows(i).cells(8).range
rng1.end = rng1.end - 1
set ofld = activedocument.fields.add(rng1, wdfieldempty, "=* \# 0", false)
.showcodes = true
set rng1 = .code
= instr(.code, "=")
.start = .start + i
.collapse wdcollapsestart
end with
set rng2 = .code
= instr(.code, "*")
.start = .start + i
.collapse wdcollapsestart
end with
.add rng2, wdfieldempty, strff2, false
.add rng1, wdfieldempty, strff1, false
end with
.showcodes = false
end with
end with
set rng1 = nothing: set rng2 = nothing
application.screenupdating = true
end sub
note: code doesn't use formfield column 8 - uses formula field instead, that's more reliable if further calculations based on result needed.
paul edstein
[ms mvp - word]
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