Streamwriter output different as Out-File
i have script write value's file out-file:
"<<<local>>>" | out-file $nagioslogfile -append -encoding ascii $export_w3svc | out-file $nagioslogfile -append -encoding ascii $export_app_pool | out-file $nagioslogfile -append -encoding ascii $export_iis_site | out-file $nagioslogfile -append -encoding ascii $export_nettcp_8093 | out-file $nagioslogfile -append -encoding ascii $export_iis_read_file | out-file $nagioslogfile -append -encoding ascii "" | out-file $nagioslogfile -append -encoding ascii
the output @ file is:
0 polyop_service_w3svc - der w3svc service running
0 polyop_applpool_zwacmesbghcon_client - application pool polyop_applpool_zwacmesbghcon_client running
0 polyop_applpool_zwacmesbghcon_server - application pool polyop_applpool_zwacmesbghcon_server running
0 polyop_website_zwacmesbghcon_client - iis site polyop_website_zwacmesbghcon_client running
0 polyop_website_zwacmesbghcon_server - iis site polyop_website_zwacmesbghcon_server running
0 polyop_net_tcp_port_8093_more_then_one_time - tcp port 8093 set once @ server
0 polyop_read_file_emsdeploy_folder - ems deploy directory can read server
the other script methode - streamwriter:
$sw = new-object$nagioslogfile, "true", [system.text.encoding]::ascii) $sw.writeline("<<<local>>>") $sw.writeline($export_w3svc) $sw.writeline($export_app_pool) $sw.writeline($export_iis_site) $sw.writeline($export_nettcp_8093) $sw.writeline($export_iis_read_file) $sw.writeline("") $sw.close()
the output is:
0 polyop_service_w3svc - der w3svc service running
0 polyop_net_tcp_port_8093_more_then_one_time - tcp port 8093 set once @ server
0 polyop_read_file_emsdeploy_folder - ems deploy directory can read server
the values for $export_app_pool and $export_iis_site arrays - script part:
$datetime = (get-date -format $nagios_state = "0" $servicename = "applpool_"+$ $export_app_pool1 = "$nagios_state polyop_$servicename - application pool polyop_$servicename running" $export_app_pool += $export_app_pool1 $export_app_pool = @($export_app_pool)
what problem?
i hope can me,
thanks horst moss 2007 farm; moss 2010 farm; tfs 2010; iis 7.5
out-file automatically puts objects through powershell's formatting cmdlets if they're not strings. make other approaches work (such add-content or streamwriter example), you'd typically want pass objects out-string first, pass resulting strings on other command:
$sw.writeline(($export_w3svc | out-string))
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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