How can i rename a file in a specific directory wich has no extention to a file with a .tif exention in Powershell
#******************************************************************* #auteur: casper limburg #******************************************************************* #******************************************************************* #cleans screen #******************************************************************* cls #******************************************************************* # declare variable & constrains #******************************************************************* $dirvan = "c:\bestandverplaatsen\van\*" $dirna = "c:\bestandverplaatsen\naar" $file = get-childitem $dirvan #| where-object {$_.extension -eq ".txt"} #******************************************************************* # if files in directory copy specific place #******************************************************************* foreach ($file in $dirvan){ #if no txt files found... if (!(gci $dirvan *.txt)) { write-host "no text files!" } #if txt files found... if (gci $dirvan *.txt) { copy-item $dirvan $dirna -filter "*.txt" } # path extension (hint: there none!) $extension = []::getextension($file) "getextension('{0}') returns '{1}'" -f $dirvan, $extension if($extension.length -le 0) { #echo file has no extention created write-host "the file has no extention, .tif extention made" ## create file extention ?? // how ??? !! --> need rename file no extention in directory $dirvan } else { write-host "the file being copied" copy-item $dirvan $dirna -filter "*.tif" } }
a sample rename be
gci c:\temp -file | extension -eq "" | foreach-object {rename-item -path "$($_.fullname)" -newname "$($_.basename).tif"}
sumesh p.
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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