Dsget group does not display member name but ID

hello, use dsget group command display group members of ad group successfully. how make display user name, instead of id.

my syntax "dsget group "cn=.....dc=com" -members -expand





if have sid values in text file, can read them get-content cmdlet in powershell. example, script reads sid's file , outputs corresponding names. can redirect output text file, or use out-file cmdlet (with -append parameter) to output $sam file:


$sids = get-content -path "c:\rlm\powershell\members.txt"

foreach ($sid in $sids)
    $sam = (new-object system.security.principal.securityidentifier($sid)).translate([system.security.principal.ntaccount])



to write names directly file (instead of output console , redirectly file), use:

$sam | out-file .\names.txt -append

richard mueller - mvp directory services

Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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