Running powershell script from CMD does not load module

so have easy powershell script contains following:

import-module activedirectory

get-aduser -filter *

remove-module activedirectory

if run powershell runs ok, when try call cmd nothing happens, opens powershell , thats it. using following command run it:

powershell.exe -file "d:\test.ps1"

i noticed following thing, 2 powershell.exe processes run after execute this. if exit cmd 1 powershell start seeing lists ps query should returning. there way working since trying run ps script scheduled job. crucial part here import module when run on cmd not happening reason.

it's powershell 2.0 running on windows 2008r2. tried script on win 2012r2, works fine cmd... looks ps 2.0 limitation?

what happens if do

start powershell.exe -file d:\test.ps1

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Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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