find all users start menu "startup" folder

i'm writing scripts of our post-domain-join server builds (we build lot of servers) 

part of script have create shortcut batch file runs bginfo when user logs in...

how can find allusers startup folder?


i know on w7/2008 it's here:

c:\programdata\microsoft\windows\start menu\programs\startup


and on 2003 it's 

c:\documents , settings\all users\start menu\programs\startup


is there safer way find it, means of environment variable or fancy .net trick?

i need little more "universal"


here's did.


  $strallusersprofile = [io.path]::getfullpath($env:allusersprofile) $objshell = new-object -com ""  $objshortcut = $objshell.createshortcut($strallusersprofile + "\start menu\programs\startup\bginfo.lnk") $objshortcut.targetpath = "\\srv\applications\bginfo\bginfo.bat" $  

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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