robocopy creates root directory inside the destination

so far can tell robocopy behaving strangely. there quite few posts of people asking how robocopy create root dir, answer create first @ destination or include in destination patch, etc.

i'm having opposite problem.

robocopy "c:\users\emily\pictures" "s:\photo storage"  /s /z /mt

when completes have s:\photo storage\pictures\....

i want s:\photo storage\... without creating root pictures dir.


hi technocore,

i'm little confused, because have 2 folders: source folder:e:\2 destination folder:e:\1

run "robocopy "e:\2" "e:\1"  /s /z /mt" , "e:\1\...."

run "copy-item e:\2 -destination e:\1 -recurse -force" in windows powershell , "e:\1\2\..."

if want copy files without directory, can run robocopy.

if have misunderstanding, please let me know.

best regards,


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