authenticated users

please let me know authenticated users group?


this built-in group cannot modified.  by definition : user, except user of guest account, authenticated locally trusted domain controller. identity provides users rights necessary operate system end user. (the guest account never treated authenticated user.)


authenticated users available when applying permissions directly object, or can placed in local computer groups.  authenticated users cannot added member user created domain groups (global, domain local, or universal).  however, authenticated user group can added built-in domain local groups.


when working domain user accounts , local user accounts remember local user accounts members of authenticated users, , therefore have access local resources secured permission.  however, scope of local user accounts’ access not extend onto remote computers via authenticated users group.  this because while local user account includes sid authenticated user group, local user must still authenticate remote computer prior access being granted.


because authenticated users automatically includes domain user accounts current , future trusted domains considered administrator friendly, allowing balance between security , future needs or changes.

regards [if answer helps resolve issue, please click "mark answer" or "helpful" button @ top of message. others find answers faster]


Windows Server  >  Directory Services


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