Remove registry key based on substring value


i try upgrade flash player plugin using sccm error in installer exist. fistr must remove registry subkeys thath contain substring "adobe flash player 10 plugin" in [hkey_classes_root\installer] . substring must more one.

i try create scritp using function mentioned in blog post conduction psdrive

i try create script

1. create new psdrive hkey_classes_root ->  new-psdrive -name hkcr -psprovider registry -root hkey_classes_root

2. get-childitem recurse -> get-childitem -path hkcr:\installer -recurse

3. substring subkeys ->   foreach-object { get-itemproperty $_.pspath } | get-registrykeypropertiesandvalues

but path must give function?

4. filter substring -> how ?

5. remove key if substring equal -> how?

anybody can me?


wojciech sciesinski


i've created script find entry text pattern , remove parrent key.

try {      $keys=get-childitem hkcr:\installer -recurse -erroraction stop | get-itemproperty -name productname -erroraction silentlycontinue  }  catch {     new-psdrive -name hkcr -psprovider registry -root hkey_classes_root -erroraction silentlycontinue | out-null     $keys=get-childitem hkcr:\installer -recurse | get-itemproperty -name productname -erroraction silentlycontinue     }      {      foreach ($key in $keys) {          if ($key.productname -like "*flash*plugin") {                  remove-item $key.pspath -force -recurse                      }      }  } 

maybe helpfull somebody.

do have idea registry search optimization?

wojciech sciesinski

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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