Define: Complexity Requirements "full name that exceed two consecutive characters"
i want clearance on the "password must meet complexity requirements" password policy.
part of explain field gives the following description: "not contain user's account name or parts of user's full name exceed 2 consecutive characters"
for example when set password user full name/display name: "joey williams" following:
when use firstname, surname(parts of full name) part of password gives me following: (example: joey19-2 ; williams19-2)
"...the password not meet password policy requirements. check minimum password length, password complexity , password history requirements."
(which is correct)
when use following password (example: william19-2 ) =>(without s)
it accepts it: "the password for joey williams has been changed."
the way interpret explain text should not, because contains "two consecutive characters" of users full name (in case 7 characters)
why this, , correct, since many others also interpret same way?
or should accept , forget...
thank you,
i explain how "not contain user's account name or parts of user's full name exceed 2 consecutive characters" works.
if account name less 3 characters long, check not performed because rate @ passwords rejected high.
when checking against user's full name, several characters treated delimiters separate name individual tokens: commas, periods, dashes/hyphens, underscores, spaces, pound-signs , tabs. each token 3 or more characters long, token searched in password; if present password change rejected.
for example, name "joey m. williams" split 3 tokens: "joey," "m," , " williams". because second token 1 character long, ignored. therefore, user not have password included either "joey " or "williams" substring anywhere in password. of these checks case insensitive.
these complexity requirements enforced upon password change or creation of new passwords. recommended enable setting.
Windows Server > Group Policy
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