the group policy client service failed the logon
i facing issue in 1 domain local account. when trying login giving error message "the group policy client service failed logon.access denied"
kindly advice
i recommend way:
- logon machine machine administrator account (assuming issue domain account, if not logon machine using account administrative privilege).
- move machine workgroup domain. (if part of 1 workgroup change 1 or join domain.) through control panel\system , security\system , change settings.
- restart machine , logon machine administrator account.
- delete user profile data (or move different location) c:\users. "c" in case system directory if have different 1 use one.
- join machine domain account (or workgroup machine joined to), , restart machine.
- logon domain account having trouble with. keep fingers crossed.
- if goes well, should logged on.
case select logged on temporary user profile:
- login administrator account on local machine.
- open regedit.
- navigate hklm\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\profilelist
- there should multitude of registry keys inside profilelist , search 2 identical ones differentiated .bak extension (e.g. xxxxxx1234.bak & xxxxxx1234).
- the registry key .bak extension contains user's actual profile while 1 without .bak contains temp profile.
- delete registry key without .bak extension , rename 1 xxxxx1234 (without .bak). notice fields on right, there should value named refcount, change value 0.
Windows Server > Group Policy
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