Getting error "the request contains conflicting template information" when trying to use certreq to renew a client cert

we trying automate "renewal" of certificates our thin clients @ our remote location using script , certreq commands pull new cert our central server ca.  getting error saying "the request contains conflicting template information ... denied policy module ...".  here script:

$cert = get-childitem cert:localmachine\my  #[string]$subject = "cn=$env:computername,ou=workstations,ou=retail store equipment,dc=retail,dc=wd,dc=com"  [string]$subject = "cn=$"  [string]$templatename = "client authentication – retail desktops"  [string]$caname = "\wdenterprisesubordinateca-02"  [string]$san = "$"  [string]$renewalcert = $cert.thumbprint  remove-item c:\supusercert.inf -erroraction silentlycontinue -force  remove-item c:\supusercert.req -erroraction silentlycontinue -force  remove-item c:\usercert.req -erroraction silentlycontinue -force  add-content c:\supusercert.inf "[newrequest]`r  machinekeyset=true`r  requesttype=cmc`r  renewalcert=$renewalcert`r  silent=true`r  subject=`"$subject`"`r  useexistingkeyset=true`r  [extensions]`r = `"{text}`"`r  _continue_ = `"dns=$san`"`r"  certreq -new c:\supusercert.inf c:\usercert.req  certreq -submit -config "$caname" c:\usercert.req c:\new.cer  certreq -accept c:\new.cer


this not right forum question let's see can do.

can check settings under subject name tab certitifcate template ("client authentication - retail desktops") using?

is set supply in request?

thank you,


Windows Server  >  Security


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