Powershell confuses -computer with -computername

here script running:

$date = get-date -uformat "%b-%d-%y"
$location = "d:\ps_scripts\daily_volume_space\"
$path = $location += $date + ".csv"
gwmi -query "select systemname,caption,capacity,freespace win32_volume drivetype=3" -computer (gc d:\ps_scripts\servers.txt) | select-object systemname,caption, @{n="% free";e={"{0:p2}" -f ([long]$_.freespace/[long]$_.capacity)}}, @{name="freespace(gb)"; expression={"{0:n2}" -f ($_.freespace/1gb)}},@{name="size(gb)"; expression={"{0:n2}" -f ($_.capacity/1gb)}} | sort "% free" | export-csv $path -notypeinformation

error message

get-wmiobject : cannot validate argument on parameter 'computername'. argument null or empty. supply argument not nul
l or empty , try command again.
@ d:\ps_scripts\testscripts\volumespace_old.ps1:1 char:105
+ gwmi -query "select systemname,caption,capacity,freespace win32_volume drivetype=3" -computer <<<< (gc d:\ps_scripts\servers.txt) | select-object systemname,caption,@{name="size(gb)"; expression={"{0:n2}" -f ($_.capacity/1gb)}},@{name="freespace(g
b)"; expression={"{0:n2}" -f ($_.freespace/1gb)}}, @{n="% free";e={"{0:p2}" -f ([long]$_.freespace/[long]$_.capacity)}} | sort "% free"
| export-csv d:\dssstage\ps_scripts\disk-gb.csv -notypeinformation
+ categoryinfo : invaliddata: ( [get-wmiobject], parameterbindingvalidationexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : parameterargumentvalidationerror,microsoft.powersh ell.commands.getwmiobjectcommand

script has been running fine weeks. i'm not sure why powershell thinks -computer shorthand -computername. suggestions?

there wrong file that’s sure... perhaps blank
also, follow mean param stuff?
if powershell can figure out param based on give it,
will use full name of param
so, cant type -c because there 3 params start c,
you can -co because 1 starts co (computername)
you -compute if wanted, or -computern full param
name computername, if put in enough powershell knows
which param is, fine..
your problem being passed -computername (the contents of
that file) screwing command.. because null or empty..
pull file in
$servers = gc d:\ps_scripts\servers.txt
$servers | gwmi -query "select systemname,caption,capacity,freespace
win32_volume drivetype=3" | select-object systemname,caption, @{n="%
free";e={"{0:p2}" -f ([long]$_.freespace/[long]$_.capacity)}},
@{name="freespace(gb)"; expression={"{0:n2}" -f
$_.freespace/1gb)}},@{name="size(gb)"; expression={"{0:n2}" -f
($_.capacity/1gb)}} | sort "% free" | export-csv $path -notypeinformation

justin rich
please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help.

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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