Check if PasswordNeverExpire is True or False and store and store it in variable

hello all,

sorry if english not well.

i need store status of user properties "passwordneverexpires" in variable use later in command of script.

for exemple:

$status = get-aduser -identity user1  -properties passwordneverexpires | select passwordneverexpires

new-aduser -name  test -passwordneverexpires $status

thank muhc help



you can adding in -expandproperty select-object:

$status = get-aduser -identity tester1 -properties passwordneverexpires |     select-object -expandproperty passwordneverexpires  $status

alternatively, can reference .passwordneverexpires property of $status object in new-aduser command if don't change current select-object statement.

new-aduser -name test -passwordneverexpires $status.passwordneverexpires

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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