How to find the type of all the section breaks in a word document using macros


i need find section break , remove section break "continuous" word document using vba. in advance!


here macro can use. credit goes doug robbins, think:

sub removecontinuoussectionbreaks()     dim long     dim rng range     application.screenupdating = false     = activedocument.sections.count 2 step -1         if activedocument.sections(i).pagesetup.sectionstart = wdsectioncontinuous             activedocument.sections(i).pagesetup.sectionstart = _                 activedocument.sections(i - 1).pagesetup.sectionstart             set rng = activedocument.sections(i - 1).range             rng.end = rng.end - 1             rng.collapse direction:=wdcollapseend             rng.delete         end if     next     application.screenupdating = true end sub

regards, hans vogelaar

Microsoft Office  >  Word IT Pro Discussions


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