Changing AD-User Properties

hey there,

i'm trying change officephone properties..

my script far:

$user = get-aduser -filter * -searchbase "ou=,ou=,ou=,ou=,dc=,dc=" -properties officephone
foreach ($line in $user) {
    $phone = $line.officephone
    if($line.officephone -like '*8900*'){
    $line=$line.officephone -replace " ",""  | set-aduser -officephone $line.officephone


so want replace every  space in phonenumbers " " ""  im getting érror

set-aduser : cannot find object identity: 

can anybody me?

thanks in advance 

your variable name bit odd.  :-p  but think you'll either want

$line.officephone = $line.officephone -replace ' ', ''

set-aduser -instance $line


$line | set-aduser -officephone ($line.officephone -replace ' ', '')

i haven't tested those, both should work.  use whichever prefer.

john h. moe

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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