[Get-ExecutionPolicy], COMException

i have 3 node dag cluster.  every week or 2 have reboot them because powershell stops working, 1 node @ time.  i can run scripts , commands different node until have change reboot faulty node.  once reboot it works normal again.

exchange management shell gives "authorizationmanager check failed" error.  i have checked empty profile.ps1 files not case.

in regular powershell window administrator execution policy set unrestricted, when get-executionpolicy, fails with:

get-executionpolicy :
@ line:1 char:1
+ get-executionpolicy
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + categoryinfo          : notspecified: (:) [get-executionpolicy], comexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : system.runtime.interopservices.comexception,microsoft.powershell.commands.getexecutionpo

james - right size solutions

hi james,

this sounds os trouble on exchange servers. try using .net repair tool , updating machines.

when issue occurs, can still use powershell remoting access server different computer?


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