Get-ADUser Filter Variable Issues


the following code created import list of email addresses , search domains account, email address. there 5 child domains , accounts can within of them.

$path="u:\scripts\powershell\email\test"  $filename="email.txt"  $data = @() ##container object  $objforest = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.forest]::getcurrentforest()  $domainlist = @($ | select-object name)  $domains = $domainlist | foreach {$}  $staffemails=get-childitem $path\$filename | foreach-object {import-csv $_}  foreach($staffemail in $staffemails)  {      foreach($domain in $domains)      {  	    $data += get-aduser -server $domain -filter {(emailaddress -like $staffemail)} -properties name | select name,emailaddress      }  }  $data | export-csv $path\result.csv -notypeinformation

i running issues trying query data within nested loops:

get-aduser : invalid type ''.
parameter name: mail
@ u:\scripts\powershell\email\search.ps1:15 char:15
+         $data += get-aduser -server $domain -filter {(emailaddress -like $staffemai ...
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + categoryinfo          : invalidargument: (:) [get-aduser], argumentexception
    + fullyqualifiederrorid : activedirectorycmdlet:system.argumentexception,

i have tried multiple configurations of {}'s, ()'s, " " 's , ' ' 's little success. assuming fix minor i've gotten far.


first thought.  importing csv file.  csv files have header.  best guess, judging error message, header named, mail.

when using compare operator, -like, need include asterisks best results.

modify your foreach loops follows:

foreach($staffemail in $staffemails) {     $em = $staffemail.mail     foreach($domain in $domains)     { 	    $data += get-aduser -server $domain -filter {(emailaddress -like "*$em*")} -properties name | select name,emailaddress     } } 

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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