Delegate Report - 'System.OutOfMemoryException'
using script below output publicdelegate , publicdelegatesbl attribute. script working fine using memory available , stops working after processing 300 users. how can optimize doesn't use memory?
error below.
'=' operator failed: exception of type 'system.outofmemoryexception' thrown..
@ d:\data\behalf of.ps1:6 char:21
+ $publicdelegatesbl = <<<< $_.publicdelegatesbl | get-qaduser | foreach {$}
+ categoryinfo : invalidoperation: (:) [], runtimeexception
+ fullyqualifiederrorid : operatorfailed
add-pssnapin quest.activeroles.admanagement
$users = get-qaduser -sizelimit 0 -dontusedefaultincludedproperties -includedproperties publicdelegates,publicdelegatesbl -ldapfilter '(publicdelegates=*)(publicdelegatesbl=*)'
$users | select * | foreach {
$publicdelegates = $_.publicdelegates | get-qaduser | foreach {$}
$_.publicdelegates = [string]::join(';',$publicdelegates)
$publicdelegatesbl = $_.publicdelegatesbl | get-qaduser | foreach {$}
$_.publicdelegatesbl = [string]::join(';',$publicdelegatesbl)
} | select-object name,publicdelegates,publicdelegatesbl | export-csv d:\delgate.csv
two things. first, command:
$users = get-qaduser -sizelimit 0 -dontusedefaultincludedproperties -includedproperties publicdelegates,publicdelegatesbl -ldapfilter '(publicdelegates=*)(publicdelegatesbl=*)'
stores entire result of query in memory. instead of saving the results to a $users variable, can pipe that command straight foreach-object, stream objects 1 @ time without ever having store them in memory @ once.
second, i've seen other instances of quest ad cmdlets causing outofmemoryexceptions when powershell code looked fine. don't know bug comes from, you'll better off using built-in activedirectory module, long meet prerequisites (at least windows 7 or windows 2008 r2 on computer running script, , @ least 1 domain controller available running ad web services or ad management gateway; installed default on 2008 r2 domain controllers or later, , availabe download server 2003 sp2 , server 2008.)
Windows Server > Windows PowerShell
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