Storage Spaces Tiers optimization - how to disable totally ?


is storage spaces tiering optimization happens automatically storage spaces thinks has done ?

in server have set "storage tiers optimization" task in task scheduled run every saturday 13:00 , if @ tasks jobs history see so.

ps c:\windows\system32> get-scheduledtask -taskname *tier*  | get-scheduledtaskinfo

lastruntime        : 2014-06-28 13:00:00
lasttaskresult     : 0
nextruntime        : 2014-07-05 13:00:00
numberofmissedruns : 0
taskname           : storage tiers optimization
taskpath           : \microsoft\windows\storage tiers management\
pscomputername     :

but if @ event viewer - windows\storage-tiering\admin log see beside saturdays optimization jobs happens several times week.

why happens ? how stop happening ? looks if make lot of writes @ night starts optimize.

need stop because unknown reason if dpm starts backup vm server while tiers optimization running - vhd's vms gets read only. 


i reply below storage space team.

in windows server 2012 r2, in majority of skus, default there 2 tasks trigger storage tier optimization:
1. defrag task - found under \microsoft\windows\defrag
    task runs on weekly basis.
2. storage tier optimization - found under \microsoft\windows\storage tiers management
    task runs on daily basis.
apart above 2 tasks, if user runs "tier optimization task" manually, using "defrag.exe /g flag" or "optimize-volume -tieroptimize" cmdlet, windows log event in event viewer when optimization task completes.

please check if running optimization task manually or if seeing optimization result part of "defrag weekly task" mentioned above?



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