Certificate Revocation without having Certificate server in same domain - without ADDS Trust

good morning,

we have multiple domains & single forest , single domain without having adds trust. having certificate server (certsrv001) in 1 domain & rest domains servers having certificates & signed certificate server (certsrv001). process manual (create csr using certreq & on).

how handled certificate revocation in others domain certificate server not present ? don't want disable revocation.

it implemented in 1 env. getting below output revocation enabled & working fine same thing when have tried implemented in test env. getting revocation error (tried configure winrm https & getting revocation error). 

don't want disable revocation & here current conf.

netsh http show sslcert

verify client certificate revocation : enabled

here error.

ps c:\users\administrator> test-wsman -computername dcsrv001.coolchul.com -usessl test-wsman : <f:wsmanfault xmlns:f="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wsmanfault" code="12175" machine="dcsrv001.coolchul.com"><f:message>the server certificate on destination computer (dcsrv001.coolchul.com:5986) has following errors: ssl certificate not checked revocation. server used check revocation might unreachable.         </f:message></f:wsmanfault> @ line:1 char:1 + test-wsman -computername dcsrv001.coolchul.com -usessl + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     + categoryinfo          : invalidoperation: (dcsrv001.coolchul.com:string) [test-wsman], invalidoperationexceptio    n     + fullyqualifiederrorid : wsmanerror,microsoft.wsman.management.testwsmancommand 

thanks in advance.


you have design problems pki in cdp , aia locations must reference locations reachable non-forest clients. typically accomplished publishing ca certs , crls (and if using ocsp responders) http locations both internally , externally accessible (or in case, accessible forests evaluate certificates).

if post results of following command certutil -verify -urlfetch sslcert.cer  to verify urls used.  get certificate from dcsrv001.coolchul.com


Windows Server  >  Security


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