GPO startup script not working


i have 2 scripts run startup script:

first script install ms access

if exist "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft office\office14\msaccess.exe" ( goto exit ) else ( goto install )  :install \\dc1.fulldomainname\netinstall\access_2010_en_us\setup.exe  :exit exit

second script install ms office

setlocal  rem ********************************************************************* rem environment customization begins here. modify variables below. rem *********************************************************************  rem productname office products core setup.xml file, , add "office14." prefix.  set productname=office14.standard  rem set deployserver network-accessible location containing office source files. set deployserver=\\dc1.fulldomainname\netinstall\office_2010_en_us  rem set configfile configuration file used deployment (required) set configfile=\\dc1.fulldomainname\netinstall\office_2010_en_us\standard.ww\config.xml  rem set loglocation central directory collect log files. set loglocation=\\dc1.fulldomainname\netinstall\office_2010_en_us\logfiles  rem ********************************************************************* rem deployment code begins here. not modify below line. rem *********************************************************************  if not "%programfiles(x86)%"=="" (goto arp64) else (goto arp86)  rem operating system x64. check 32 bit office in emulated wow6432 uninstall key :arp64 reg query hkey_local_machine\software\wow6432node\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\%productname% if not %errorlevel%==1 (goto end)  rem check 32 , 64 bit versions of office 2010 in regular uninstall key.(office 64bit appear here on  64bit os)  :arp86 reg query hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\%productname% if %errorlevel%==1 (goto deployoffice) else (goto end)  rem if 1 returned, product not found. run setup here. :deployoffice start /wait %deployserver%\setup.exe /config %configfile% echo %date% %time% setup ended error code %errorlevel%. >> %loglocation%\%computername%.txt  rem if 0 or other returned, product found or error occurred. nothing. :end  endlocal

for strange reason first script running , ms access installed on pc,

the 2nd script isn't running anymore. did before. not sure how long hasn't been running since not installing new systems every day.

both scripts in same gpo.

i tried putting them in seperate gpo -> not working

if run script hand installs -> can assume script working?

i tried changing order in scripts run -> no result

maby there can point me in right direction.


your config.xml file empty , needs populated setup runs quietly. uncomment lines need

<display level="none" completionnotice="no" suppressmodal="yes" accepteula="yes" />                

see here for more info.

Windows Server  >  Group Policy


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