Accessing RemoteApp on Server 2008 R2 SP1 from a Windows 8 client


i have following environment setup:

windows server 2008 r2 sp1 running remote desktop licensing, rd gateway , remoteapp

we have 2 problems:

  1. windows 8 client users cannot access remoteapps (full remote desktop session works fine). users can login rd web access , receive list of apps cannot access apps. users not prompted credentials again , receive error “remoteapp disconnected: computer can’t connect remote computer because remote desktop gateway , remote computer unable exchange policies. happen due 1 of following reasons: 1. remote computer not capable of exchanging policies remote desktop gateway. 2. remote computer’s configuration not permit new connection. 3. connection between remote desktop gateway , remote computer ended.”
  2. sso doesn’t work when logging in outside domain, users must enter credentials each time open new application.

i’ve done lot of searching through forums , far can see set correctly. think these related no credentials asked when using windows 8 client because sso isn’t working connection failing.

please help!

does winodws 8 have issue or windows os (7 , xp) have same issue? assuming windows have issue, check rd gateway settigns or create dns record point external fqdn to private ip address. searcvh result may tto.

this computer can't connect remote computer because rd ...

this computer can't connect remote computer because rd gateway server unavailable. situation: when attempting run remoteapp or rd web, ...

bob lin, mvp, mcse & cne networking, internet, routing, vpn troubleshooting on

how setup windows, network, vpn & remote access on

Windows Server  >  Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services)


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