How to add Distribution Group email alias from CSV in office 365

hello forum!


hope can me troubleshoot or let me know if not possible. but, used powershell import distribution groups , set primary emails in office 365. worked great, have 2 domains , add email alias dgs other domain.


this best attempt , not going well:


import-csv "c:\distributionlists.csv" | foreach {set-distributiongroup "$" -emailaddresses smtp:$_.primarysmtpaddress,$secondarysmtpaddress}


$ column name dgs. ie: dl-it

$_.primarysmtpaddress column name primary email. ie:

$_.secondarysmtpaddress column name email alias. ie:


based on understanding, below code should work when manually run it:

set-distributiongroup "dl-accounting" -emailaddresses smtp:<primary email>,<alias email>

if distribution groups have been created, use set-distributiongroup command should work. how first new distribution group, , run foreach block loop.


yan li

cataleya li
technet community support

Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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