ts-getsession accepting array of computers

nightly, want generate a list of computers in domain have admin id connected via. rdp , forcibly log them off. i'm using ts-getsession accmplish this, can't make accept list of computers. i'm using try-catch around problem of -ea silentlycontinue not functioning (in ts-getsession issue tracker on msdn code gallery).

import-module psterminalservices
$servers=get-qadcomputer –searchroot ‘corp.com/servers’|select-object -expandproperty name
foreach($server in $servers)
        $sessionstate = get-tssession -computername $server -filter {$_.connectionstate -eq 'disconnected' -and $_.username -like '*admin'} -erroraction continue
        write-host $sessionstate
        write-host $_.categoryinfo
        write-host -foregroundcolor red "error: failed sessions machine (error:" $_.exception.message ")"
        #continue #not sure why not continue



notspecified: (:) [], methodinvocationexception
error: failed sessions machine (error: exception calling "getsessions" "0" argument(s): "the rpc server unavailable" )
notspecified: (:) [], methodinvocationexception
error: failed sessions machine (error: exception calling "getsessions" "0" argument(s): "the rpc server unavailable" )

if take out variable , type in server name:
get-tssession -computername corpts05 -filter {$_.connectionstate -eq 'disconnected' -and $_.username -like '*admin'}
script works champ. how can script take array input?


i had little play , looks content isn't sent down pipline when use -filter command. i've added own filter.

i've included code below .. might want mod ($tssession.state -eq "disconnected") ($tssession.state -eq "disconnected" - , $_.username -like '*admin')

note use microsofts activedirectory module get-adcomputer

import-module activedirectory  import-module psterminalservices    trap [exception] {   write-host "error trapped in $server" -foregroundcolor red  continue}    $sessionarray = @()    $servers= get-adcomputer -filter * -searchbase "ou=servers,dc=comp,dc=com"| select-object -expandproperty name  foreach($server in $servers){    if (test-connection $server -count 1 -quiet){    write-host "getting session state $server"    $tssessions = get-tssession -computername $server     if ($tssessions.count -gt 0){      foreach ($tssession in $tssessions){       if ($tssession.state -eq "disconnected"){        #$tssession | ft        write-host "adding $server sessionarray"        $sessionarray = $sessionarray + $tssession       }      }     }    }   write-host "current items in array:-" $sessionarray.count  }     $sessionarray | ft
have fun


Windows Server  >  Windows PowerShell


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