Windows 2012 servers in wsus version 3


we using wsus version 3.2.7600 on windows 2003 r2 enterprise edition server. have been deploying windows 2003 , windows 2008 updates server past number of years want push out windows 2012 updates. windows 2012 updates being downloaded wsus microsoft update server our windows 2012 servers not showing in wsus console.  same ad group policy wsus applying 2003, 2008 , 2012 servers don't know why 2012 servers aren't showing in wsus. any assistance appreciated.

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hi dowens,

generally, wsus clients not showing in wsus console may caused duplicated susclientid, may reset susclientid on server 2012:

1). in cmd, net stop wuauserv

2). delete value in registry key " susclientid " , "susclientidvalidation" locates in:


3). in cmd, net start wuauserv
     wuauclt.exe /resetauthorization /detectnow

while wsus server on 2003 server, it's out of date, recommend upgrading wsus server possible.

best regards,


please remember mark replies answers if , unmark them if provide no help. if have feedback technet support, contact

Windows Server  >  WSUS


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