Command to enable and disable telnet and FTP


can me command to to enable , disable telnet , ftp in windows.

i know can install feature enable both of this. requirement writing script find insecure protocol  from windows machines. hence need query first whether telent/ftp enabled or not. if enabled need disable it. in case thing work may command .

any appreciated.


>>hence need query first whether telent/ftp enabled or not. if enabled need disable it. in case thing work may command

based on understanding, query related ports telnet , ftp.

for example, telnet port tcp:23.

you use command: netstat -ao -p tcp  to query related ports check if has been used.

besides, use command: net start telnet to see if telnet service has been started.

if port , service have not been used or started, how telnet or ftp enabled or disabled?

if misunderstood, please feel free correct me.

in addition, suppose if need enabled telnet should install related feature.

best regards,


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