Check replication topology -> "the directory property cannot be found in the cache"
i all, i've domain several sites. i'm implementing new site, go ad sites , services , create new site , subnet, , created ip site link object replication interveal of 15 minutes. go site , promote server domain controller, dcpromo completes without errors. after several hours noticed kcc has not created connection objects , strange... i try force manually creation right click on ntds settings , "check replication topology" following error: "the following error occurred during attempt contact domain controller: the directory property cannot found in cache" hello, to force kcc generate replication topology, can run repadmin /kcc . if not use microsoft skydrive upload output of these commands on dcs have: dcdiag /v /e > c:\dcdiag.txt ipconfig /all > c:\ipconfig.txt once done, post link here; this posting provided "as is" no warranties or guarantees , , confers no rights. microsoft student partner ...